Saturday, May 2, 2009

You will never make baked potatoes again

Even though these are technically roasted potatoes, they are almost as easy as baked potatoes and even tastier, if that is even possible.  I love a buttery baked potato. But I digress... My mom introduced me to these recently and I haven't baked a potato since. 

To make these tasty treats, just cut any ol' potato in half long-ways, like you would cut open a baked potato before you loaded on the butter, and place them on a baking sheet. You probably already know what 2 ingredients I'm going to tell you to drizzle and sprinkle on.... you guessed it, my favorite vegetable companions, olive oil and salt. Turn the potatoes over and slide them around the pan so they get olive oil and salt on both sides, and leave them cut-side down.  Pop them in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or so, depending on the size of the potatoes. You want them in long enough for the bottoms to get golden and crusty-- delish! 

For a company-friendly version, add your favorite fresh herb, like oregano, thyme or sage fresh garlic and sprinkle with parmesan. 

For a kid-friendly version, get out the ketchup for dipping and tell them it's a giant french fry boat.